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Re: Vehicular manslaughter

From: Mandi M. Lynch - fanofkyleandadam@n2nascar.com
Date: 15 Oct 2000
Time: 08:08:59
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You know, guys, right now, Tony's family feels like crap. His parents lost their son and his wife lost someone whom she thought she would grow old with. Nobody should deserve to go through this. However, NOBODY ON EARTH decides when it is time to go and when it is time to die. That's why Lee Petty was 86, Adam Petty was 19, and my 98 year old great grandmother is still alive. When you are going to die is in your cards from the day you are born. If Tony hadn't been on the track, he probably would have died somewhere else. That's fate. And sometimes it sucks. Every time a NASCAR driver straps into his vehicle, he knows the danger involved. Tony, Adam, and Kenny all carried that with them every weekend when they were at the track. Steve didn't do anything intentionally. This was just one of those freak racing incidents that everyone knows can happen but that usually doesn't. Perhaps, 'stru', instead of pointing the finger you should offer your condolances to the family. They don't need name dropping and hateful words against anybody right now. They need to know that they are in people's prayers and hearts. And as for Steve Grissom not showing any remorse as 'RopesHope' put it... If two people had died and one was critical from the same sport I was in, I would be numb. Everybody acts diferently when faced with something of this caliber, Steve just didn't act how you wanted him to.

For Tony, Adam, Kenny, John, and all the other drivers who died doing what they love... I bet there is one hell of a race going on up there!

Last changed: November 09, 2002

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